
Ultimate Lottery System by Renato Gianella

If you are in the market for the ultimate lottery system, let me introduce you to Renato Gianella. Renato claims he can predict your lottery numbers, and he does it all with colors! Renato Gianella is a Brazilian mathematician who claims that it is possible to predict the results of the lottery. He does this using complicated mathematics and probability theory. Sounds a bit mad right? Well, it is actually.

Every gambling game ever invented has a mathematician that claims to be able to beat it. The internet is full of ‘experts’ that claim to have invented the ultimate lottery system. In my experience, their claims are pretty much always false, but hey, you never really know right?

The ultimate lottery system

Several years ago my father (something of a mathematician himself) began studying National Lottery results. He claimed that by grouping sets of lottery numbers together then certain patterns began to emerge. He figured this information could help predict which lottery numbers were more likely to come up.  OK, I know what you are thinking, that doesn’t sound much like the ultimate lottery system! To be honest, I thought the same. However, the more I looked at it, the more my Dad’s theory began to make sense.

Basically, it worked like this. In those days the National Lottery only had 49 numbers. My father placed the 49 available numbers into four distinct groups…

  1. 1-9 (the single-digit numbers)
  2. 10-25
  3. 26-40
  4. 41-49

My father methodically wrote down every winning combination from every lottery draw for a whole year! This led him to claim that the 6-number combination needed to win most often fell into a pattern of 1-2-2-1. One lottery number from the first group. Two lottery numbers from the second group. Another two lottery numbers from the third group, and one number from the last group. Thus my father’s ultimate lottery system was born. How mad is that?

Random sets of numbers frequently form patterns

Not that mad at all actually! When I checked his data this pattern did indeed occur far more frequently than any other pattern of numbers. Of course, this pattern is much more of a statistical occurrence than the ultimate lottery system’. It would still be necessary to choose the correct lottery numbers from each of the groups in order to win. Nevertheless, it certainly kept his mind active in his older years.

Fast forward to 2014 and a mathematician from Brazil by the name of Renato Gianella writes a paper for the Biometric Brazilian Journal

The law of large numbers

In this paper, Renato Gianella states that he believes it is possible to predict lottery numbers. He does this by using number patterns according to The Law of Large Numbers.

The law of large numbers is a principle of probability according to which the frequency of events occurring even out over time. As the number of events increases, the actual ratio of outcomes will converge with the theoretical ratio of outcomes.

Renato Gianella goes on to claim that all the world’s lotteries have a distinct pattern. This pattern can be worked out by assigning colors to groups of lottery numbers. An example on Renato Gianella’s website is shown below and is well worth checking out. Useful, if you are a believer in the idea of the ultimate lottery system, or a mathematics student.

Ultimate Lottery System

Being Brazilian of course Renato Gianella based his equations on the Brazilian National Lottery. However, by simple extrapolation of the lottery numbers, we can expand his theory to include all the world’s lotteries.

Essentially what Renato Gianella did was assign colors to groups of numbers for clarity. In reality, it is the grouping of the numbers that are important here.

Is it just a lot of nonsense?

Well, yes and no. Mathematicians like to prove that numbers have meaning, and in most cases they do. Unlike Renato Gianella I am not a mathematician. I do know, however, that random sets of numbers will form a pattern over time. Where this theory falls down is that it is not a guide to predicting numbers in any given lottery. It can, however, be used as a guide when choosing what numbers you want to play. If you notice that numbers in previous lotteries form a pattern, it would make sense to choose future numbers that fit into that pattern.

Lottery system or mathematical puzzle?

Essentially what Renato Gianella came up with of course is a ‘lottery system’ of sorts. Anybody who has read any of my other blog posts will know what I think about lottery systems. That said it is an interesting mathematical puzzle. In real terms, it is unlikely to ensure your success in the lottery. It would, however, make your choice of numbers a far more entertaining and logical process.

So, what do you think of Renato Gianella’s lottery system? Is it just a load of colorful nonsense? Or is there something about the rainbow pattern that makes sense to you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below…

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Would you like to learn more about the theories of Renato Gianella? Feel free to download the paper he submitted to the Biometric Brazilian Journal. You may also visit his website at http://www.lotorainbow.com.br/en/default.asp. Alternatively, you can discuss Renato Gianella’s ultimate lottery system in more detail, by leaving a comment below. Check out our guide to the best sites to play casino games for real money for some great casino deals.

The contents of this site including all blog articles and static pages are designed to be both fun and informative. Nothing in this blog is intended to show that taking part in any lottery (or trusting in any lottery system) will significantly change your life for the better nor should this be inferred.

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